Curriculum: 7-hour Course

Curriculum: 7.5-Hour Personal Wellness Course

Introduction: Why Maharishi AyurVeda?

Stuart Rothenberg, MD

  • Research evidence that preventable mistakes in lifestyle and diet are the main cause of chronic disorders
  • Definition of the Maharishi AyurVeda (MAV) program
  • Source of Maharishi AyurVeda
  • History of decline and recent revival of Ayurveda
  • Overview of the unique MAV approach to health
  • Outline of the course

Lesson 1: Basic Principles; Understanding Your Body Constitution

Stuart Rothenberg, MD

  • The MAV approach to enliven the inner intelligence and healing ability of the body.
  • Introduction to body type (Prakriti) and imbalance (Vikriti)
  • Introduction to the organizing principles of all bodily functions – the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha)
  • Dosha qualities and symptoms of balance and imbalance
  • Body Type and Personalized Health
  • Body Type determination and use of the body type questionnaire

Lesson 2: Overview of Diet and Digestion, Healthy Lifestyle, and Mind-Body Balance

Stuart Rothenberg, MD

  • Diet effects on gene expression
  • Evidence on dietary mistakes at the basis of a chronic conditions
  • The need to personalize diet
  • General dietary recommendations for all body types
  • Spices – research and use
  • Diet recommendations for Vata, Pitta and Kapha types
  • Digestion: How we digest is as important as what we eat.
  • Introduction and discussion of “Āma” – toxins, impurities and blockages cause by poor diet and digestion.
  • Introduction and discussion of “Soma” – biochemical products of proper diet and digestion that enhance health and longevity
  • Āma (toxins) symptoms and use of Āma questionnaire to determine levels of Āma buildup
  • Recommendations for bowel regularity

Lesson 3: It’s Not Just What You Eat-It’s How You Digest

Nancy Lonsdorf, MD

  • Introduction to Agni – the digestive fire
  • Types of Agni and their locations in the body
  • The 7 bodily tissues and the keys to their proper development
  • Signs of Vata, Pitta, Kapha balanced and imbalanced digestion
  • Factors that disturb Agni
  • The “Hot water” recommendation to enhance Agni and removes Āma
  • Program for healthy digestion – all body types
  • Herbs and spice recommendations to enhance Agni
  • Introduction to Maharishi AyurVeda in-residence physiological purification procedures – Maharishi Panchakarma
  • MAV recommendations for proper food preparation

Lesson 4: My Digestive Type – Gut Health is Personal

Nancy Lonsdorf, MD

  • Introduction to determining your digestive type
  • How to use the Digestive Type questionnaire
  • Determining the Dosha imbalance at the basis of digestive problems

Lesson 5: My Ideal Day: Chronobiology and Optimal Daily Schedule

Nancy Lonsdorf, MD

  • Understanding the cycles in nature
  • Our Biological Clocks: Nervous system changes during natural cycles
  • Effects of disruptions of Circadian rhythms on health
  • The Vata, Pitta and Kapha times of day
  • Time of day to eat the largest meal
  • Time of day to eat less to avoid Āma and overweight
  • Timing of sleep for maximum rest and rejuvenation
  • Research on Circadian rhythms and cancer and overweight conditions
  • Circadian rhythm effects on gut bacteria – Maharishi AyurVeda approach to a healthy gut biome
  • Circadian rhythms and gene expression
  • Fertility and Circadian rhythms
  • The health benefits of the experience of timelessness – The TM Technique

Lesson 6: Self-Pulse Reading for Self-Healing

Nancy Lonsdorf, MD

  • Healing benefits of the MAV Maharishi AyurVeda self-pulse taking experience
  • The technique MAV pulse technique for self-healing

Lesson 7: Course Summary: Creating Your Personal Wellness Journal

Stuart Rothenberg, MD

  • Introduction to the Personal Wellness Journal – Tracking your diet and lifestyle and its effects on your personal health
  • Review of the use MAV self-assessment questionnaires
    1. Body Type
    2. Digestive Type
    3. Āma score
    4. Eating Habits score
    5. Lifestyle Habits score
  • Review of general dietary recommendations
  • Creating your personal Dosha specific diet program
  • Purification diets for use when Āma and overweight conditions are present
  • Review of use of spices
  • Determining Āma levels and procedures to remove Āma
  • Seasonal modifications of diet and behavior
  • Herbal preparations for sluggish digestion
  • Best behaviors for good digestion
  • Review of Ayurveda bowel regularity approach
  • Ayurvedic approach to good sleep
  • Key points for a healthy lifestyle
  • MAV approach to mental and emotional effects on health
  • MAV Mind-Body Health – the TM Technique

7.5 Hour Course

Fee – $195

The Transcendental Meditation® technique, Maharishi AyurVeda®, and any course, service, or product on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

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