Brain Health

My Ageless Brain™

7 Keys to Staying Sharp-

A Lively, Physician-Guided Online Course
with Nancy Lonsdorf, MD

The My Ageless Brain course includes knowledge and practical applications from the three powerful streams of knowledge in the Maharishi Integrative AyurVedaSM approach:

  1. The Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) technique and development of consciousness (the webinar does not include TM instruction)
  2. Maharishi AyurVeda® – a modern revival of the world’s oldest and most comprehensive system of natural health.
  3. The latest scientific research and modern medical findings on Alzheimer’s prevention and reversal of cognitive decline.

Dr Lonsdorf is uniquely qualified in all three disciplines and provides an ideal guide to help you understand and apply practical, evidenced based, natural approaches to brain health.

What you will learn:

In this lively, interactive series, you’ll learn:

  • How to identify and correct the four main causes of decline and how to turn them around
  • Which brain-draining nutrient deficiencies to check for and how to correct them
  • How hormone imbalance can contribute to memory loss, how to balance them naturally and the pros and cons of hormone therapies
  • How to detect the signs of toxic buildup and safe ways to detox
  • How to reverse inflammation — before cognitive symptoms manifest.

…and more!

My Ageless Brain includes interviews with leading scientists and physicians who will provide the latest breakthrough research on:

  • The gut-brain connection: How to reverse inflammation in the brain through restoration of proper diet and gut health
  • Managing excessive blood sugar: Alzheimer’s as the “Diabetes of the Brain” and how to prevent high sugar levels from destroying brain function
  • Stress management and reduction of cortisol: Understanding the stress hormone cortisol and scientifically verified approaches to reducing high levels. Including latest science on differences in “Meditation Types”.
  • Cardiovascular health: Understand the key recommendations for heart, brain, and blood vessel health.
  • Cleansing and detoxification: How toxin accumulation deteriorates brain function and how to prevent and reverse it.


An educational program – Please consult your physician

This is an educational program only, and you are advised to seek and follow your own physician’s advice based on his or her knowledge of your condition.

Results vary

Results vary depending on individual differences, including age, current degree of memory loss, and other mental and physical factors affecting the potential reversibility of the underlying causes. Results have been reported primarily in those younger than 75 and in earlier stages of cognitive decline. No claims or guarantee are made for any particular health outcome.

For One-on-One physician support

Depending on your current state of mind-brain health, you may choose to do this webinar series on your own or supplement it by calling on your local physician to order the recommended tests, give you one-on-one feedback on the results, and advise you on optimal treatment. (This may also allow insurance coverage for some of the recommended tests, depending on your specific policy).

Consult your physician for symptoms, medical conditions and changes in lifestyle and diet discussed in this program

If you have a medical condition, take medication, and/or you are experiencing cognitive issues, you are advised to seek the advice of from your personal physician before making dietary, supplement, exercise or other changes in your lifestyle or health regimen, or implementing any of the possible options discussed in this program.

The Transcendental Meditation® technique, Maharishi AyurVeda®, and any course, service, or product on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding any medical condition or changes in lifestyle, exercise, or diet.

Entire contents ©2018-2025 Maharishi AyurVeda Association of America, a non-profit educational organization. All rights reserved.

Transcendental Meditation®, TM®, Maharishi AyurVeda®, Maharishi International University®, Maharishi, Maharishi Panchakarma, Maharishi Rasayanas, Integrative AyurVeda, Maharishi Integrative AyurVeda, Maharishi Vedic Science, and Consciousness-Based are protected trademarks and are used in the United States under license or with permission.

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