

Ayurvedic Healing

Hari Sharma, MD
Christopher Clark, MD

Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest and most comprehensive systems of natural medicine, and is particularly useful for addressing the chronic conditions Western medicine finds difficult to treat. This authoritative book provides a comprehensive introduction to Ayurvedic medicine for the practitioner or student.

The authors describe the foundations and principles of the Maharishi Ayurveda ® in detail, and drawing on the latest scientific research into its efficacy, show what it can offer clinical medicine in the West. Topics covered include pathogenesis and diagnosis, diet and digestion, toxic build-up, purification therapies, the effects of the emotions and thinking on health, and the practical applications of the Transcendental Meditation technique. This updated and expanded second edition describes specific Ayurvedic treatments for a range of common medical conditions, and also contains information on more general Vedic approaches to health and well-being.

This book will provide complementary and alternative health practitioners with a solid base on which to build their understanding of Maharishi AyurVeda, and will also be of interest to mainstream health professionals wishing to learn more about the efficacy of this ancient healthcare system.


The Healthy Brain Solution for Women Over Forty: 7 Keys to Staying Sharp – On or Off Hormones 

Nancy Lonsdorf, MD

There’s breakthrough medical news about memory for every woman over 40. While women are at greatest risk for Alzheimers and cognitive decline, the latest research shows that memory loss in women is now preventable, even reversible, and the earlier you start, the better.

In this seminal book by a pioneering integrative MD, expert in Ayurveda and women’s health, and certified practitioner of the Bredesen Recode Protocol, you will learn the underlying causes of Alzheimer’s and how to identify and eliminate your personal vulnerabilities. You’ll revisit the risks and benefits of bioidentical hormones, when best to start- if at all- and when to stop, or not, based on the latest research and your personal preference. Discover your mind-body type and get personalized tips to balance your digestion, calm your nerves, energize and optimize your metabolism, cut your stress and sleep better—all based on the latest Alzheimer’s research and evidence-based Maharishi Ayurveda.

You’ll be expertly and compassionately guided by a warm and personable integrative MD who feels like your “best friend,” through seven simple steps to cut your risk and sharpen your mind while you boost your overall health and vitality. An empowering, must-read guide to averting memory loss, feeling great and looking younger than you really are, for every woman over 40!


The Ageless Woman

Nancy Lonsdorf, MD

Inspiring, informative, and empowering, The Ageless Woman presents a highly practical anti-aging handbook for women that weaves the latest health discoveries with the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, the natural health system of India and Yoga’s sister science. Featuring self-quizzes and personalized recommendations, The Ageless Woman will help you overcome peri-menopausal symptoms, attain a healthy weight, and balance your hormones, as well as keep your mind, heart, bones, and skin youthful and healthy for many years to come. With the insightful guidance of The Ageless Woman, every woman can grow in well-being, beauty and fulfillment during midlife and beyond.

“This is a book every woman should read. It is an invaluable resource of simple, practical knowledge that can completely alter a woman’s health. I recommend it to all of my patients.” —Christine Horner, MD, plastic surgeon, radio show host and Author of Waking the Warrior Goddess and Radiant Health, Ageless Beauty.

Nancy Lonsdorf, MD, ABIHM, received her medical degree from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and did her residency training in psychiatry at Stanford University. She is board-certified in Integrative and Holistic Medicine, and was named “one of the nation’s most prominent Ayurvedic doctors” by the Chicago Tribune.

Dr. Lonsdorf was one of the first physicians to integrate Ayurveda into medical practice and has treated over 20,000 patients over the past thirty years. She has served as a consultant to the NIH and is Associate Clinical Professor in Physiology and Health at Maharishi University of Management. Dr. Lonsdorf is a popular speaker and is frequently cited in the media.



A Woman’s Best Medicine

Nancy Lonsdorf, MD

In A Woman’s Best Medicine, two physicians and a research psychologist trained in the Maharishi AyurVeda system apply this ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to women’s health concerns. Among other topics they discuss are: the benefits of the menstrual cycle; practical ways to enjoy a comfortable pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause; the important contribution  nurturing relationships make to wellness; and an introduction to daily and seasonal eating, sleep, and exercise routines.

Through questionnaires that assess personal temperament, body-mind type, emotions, and habits, A Woman’s Best Medicine offers an in-depth, preventive, self-care program that fully develops and uses a woman’s self-knowledge. The result is a joyous return to a natural state of radiant health, happiness, and long life.

“God bless this book. It’s grounding in a meditative perspective, and its appreciation of the feminine leads us to the river to drink of knowledge of the totality of life—the definition of Ayur-Veda.”—Yoga International

“This book is a valuable introduction to Ayurvedic principles, in clear, down-to-earth language.”—Larry Dossey, MD, author of Healing Words

“This is the best book on women’s health I have ever read. It is the revolutionary health book that every woman deserves to read.”—Claudine Schneider, former U.S. congresswoman and co-chair of Women’s Health Initiative, Rhode Island

Child Development

For A Blissful Baby

Margaret Mullins, FNP, PNP
Kumeda Reddy, MD
Linda Egenes

An indispensable guide, filled with practical tips for expectant and new mothers. Includes diet, exercise, daily routine, massage instructions, and holistic principles that enliven Nature’s intelligence. It’s easy-to-read style is geared for busy moms.


Dharma Parenting

Robert Keith Wallace, PhD
Frederick Travis, PhD

Two renowned neuroscientists and pioneers in documenting the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation® technique give parents a guided tour of their children’s brains through contemporary science and ancient Ayurvedic typology (parents can “type” their kids and themselves) for a wealth of methods and insights to maximize your child’s learning and behavioral style.

Dharma Parenting offers a uniquely individual approach to raising a happy and successful child. The word dharma means a way of living that upholds the path of evolution, maintains balance, and supports both prosperity and spiritual freedom.

For the first time, we can understand why one child learns quickly and forgets quickly while another learns slowly and forgets slowly; why one child is hyperactive and another slow moving; or why one falls asleep quickly but wakes in the night while another takes hours to fall asleep.

Leading brain researchers Robert Keith Wallace and Frederick Travis combine knowledge from modern science, ancient Ayurveda, and their personal experience to show how to unfold the full potential of a child’s brain, as well as how to nurture his or her inherent brilliance and goodness.

The first tool of Dharma Parenting is to determine your child’s–and your own–brain/body type through a simple quiz. The Eastern system of natural medicine called Ayurveda has used three distinct mind/body types (and combinations of these types) for thousands of years. Scientific studies suggest that there is a specific set of genetic, biochemical, and physiological characteristics that underlie each of the three main Ayurveda mind/body types.

Coupling old and new wisdom, Dharma Parenting offers unique insight into why a child is the way he or she is and reveals how to bring each child into a state of balance. Its language is readily comprehensible by parents of any cultural background, with real-life stories to illustrate areas of universal parental concern–such as emotions, behavior, language, learning styles, habits, diet, health issues, and, most importantly, the parent-child relationship.



Norman Rosenthal, MD

Norman Rosenthal, MD, is a distinguished clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical School. Dr. Rosenthal served for 20 years as a senior researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health. His research into seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and pioneering work in the use of light therapy have helped millions of people around the world.

Dr. Rosenthal’s newest book, TRANSCENDENCE: Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation (Tarcher/Penguin, 2011), explores the value of this ancient technique for healing and transformation.

Dr. Rosenthal’s broad-ranging book will appeal both to newcomers who want to know the basics of this ancient technique, as well as seasoned meditators wishing to broaden their knowledge and deepen their understanding about it.

By presenting a mix of fascinating stories, published research, and his own clinical and personal experience with the Transcendental Meditation®  TM® technique, Dr. Rosenthal illustrates its value in promoting cardiac health, reducing anxiety and depression, and helping people suffering from traumatic stress and addiction.

Dr. Rosenthal emphasizes that the TM technique can especially help highly successful people to live fuller and richer lives. He illustrates this in interviews with prominent meditators like Paul McCartney, Martin Scorsese, Moby, Russell Brand, and Laura Dern.

“A profoundly important book… incredibly valuable.” – Mehmet Oz, M.D.

“Whether your troubles are deep, or you simply know life could be better and healthier, read this book.” – Candy Crowley, CNN anchor

“A very enjoyable read that can change your life, for good.” – Filmmaker David Lynch



Super Mind

Norman E. Rosenthal, MD

The noted research psychiatrist and New York Times-bestselling author explores how the Transcendental Meditation technique permanently alters your daily consciousness, resulting in greater productivity, emotional resilience, and aptitude for success.

Most of us believe that we live in only three states of consciousness: wakefulness, sleep, and dreaming. But there is so much more.

In his most ambitious and practical book yet, Rosenthal shows how the TM practice is more than a tool for de-stressing or for general wellness. It is a gateway to functioning physically, emotionally, and intellectually at levels we never knew we could attain. Written in Rosenthal’s trademark style of restraint and intellectual carefulness, Super Mind explores how we can aspire to so much more than we ever thought possible.



Reflections on Maharishi AyurVeda and Mental Health

Jim Brooks, MD

Chronic mental disorders, including depression and anxiety, are leading causes of morbidity, disability, and loss of quality of life. It is estimated that as many as one-third of all Americans suffer from some form of mental disorder.

In this groundbreaking work, Dr. Brooks addresses the inability of modern medicine to prevent and treat these chronic disorders. He proposes an effective solution found within the world’s most comprehensive and ancient system of natural medicine — Ayurveda.

World-renowned Vedic scholar and teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, in collaboration with leading Ayurvedic experts, scientists, and physicians, led a modern revival of Ayurveda known as Maharishi AyurVeda. Dr. Brooks anticipates that the Maharishi AyurVeda approach to mental health will have a major impact on how medicine understands, prevents, and treats mental disorders.

— “I have witnessed thousands of my patients benefit from these recommendations, and I wholeheartedly encourage you to quickly read this book and put it to practical use in your life.” — Nancy Lonsdorf, MD, Pioneer in Integrative Medicine and Ayurveda, author of The Ageless Woman

Heart Health

Total Heart Health

Robert Schneider, MD
Jeremy Fields, PhD

This ground breaking book reveals how leading risk factors for heart disease, can be successfully treated with the Total Heart Health program.

Th Total Heart Health program relieves stress, which is responsible for 1/3 of all heart attacks, and has helped with menopause complications, a major risk factor for heart disease.

The Total Heart Health program offers a safe, successful, and easy alternative to conventional medical treatments and their hazardous side effects.

Robert H. Schneider, MD, FACC, is a physician, scientist, educator, and one of the world’s leading authorities on natural medicine and its scientific use in the prevention and treatment of heart disease. Over the past twenty years, he has directed nearly $20 million in research grants from the National Institutes of Health for his pioneering research on natural approaches to heart disease.

Jeremy Z. Fields, PhD, (pharmacology) has more than thirty years of experience in biomedical research and evidence-based natural medicine. In addition, Dr. Fields is an experienced, professional science writer and editor. He has held faculty positions at Chicago Medical School and Loyola Medical School-Chicago and was a senior scientist in the research service of the Veterans Administration hospital system.


Gut Crisis

Robert Keith Wallace, PhD
Samantha Wallace

Gut Crisis is the ultimate guide to gut health. Poor food quality, the overuse of antibiotics, and other factors are creating an imbalanced state in your gut bacteria and damaging your gut lining.

This eventually leads to inflammation that underlies chronic health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disease, heart disease, and degenerative brain disorders.

This book reveals a hidden health crisis taking place around the world and talks about the most recent and effective treatment programs.

It gives practical advice based on what the ancients have known for centuries: by healing your gut through diet, lifestyle, and simple procedures, you can heal your body and mind.

Diet and Weight Loss

The Prime

Kulreet Chaudhary, MD

Prepared to live at your prime?

Integrative neurologist Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary discovered a beautiful side effect to the eating and lifestyle tools she gave her brain patients–spontaneously shedding excess pounds. In this, her first book, she shows us how to sharpen the brain, and smarten and heal the gut.

Weight gain is not about the food, but about the body’s environment. Excess weight is a result of the body being in a toxic, inflammatory state. If your body is not prepared or ‘primed’ for weight loss, you will fight an uphill biochemical battle.

Her program is not about what you can’t have or do, it’s about adding simple teas and herbs, and succeeding without giving up any foods you love. With The Prime, Dr. Chaudhary has reverse engineered our way of eating, so we can stop dieting backward and start losing weight instead. You’ll learn:

–The importance of neuroadaptation, food addiction, and the brain (or, why your brain and gut have made it so hard to lose weight in the past!)
–Why it’s not about what you eat, but what you digest
–How to determine if you have a leaky brain—and what The Prime can do about it (Hint: everything)
–How to easily crush cravings (no willpower required), ignite energy and fat, and biohack your lifestyle habits.

Lastly, you’ll learn how to live fully Primed, the secrets of the Super-Primed, and when you’re ready to explore new foods, how to eat according to your unique constitution.

Transcendental Meditation

An Introduction to Transcendental Meditation

Robert Keith Wallace, PhD
Lincoln Norton

The Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) technique is for people who lead active lives. Most of us begin TM for practical reasons: we want better physical and mental health, increased energy, less anxiety and tension, more fulfilling relationships, greater clarity of thought, or more success and fulfillment.
Many individuals today experience the benefits of this highly effective meditation technique. We hear a lot about famous movie stars, business leaders, athletes, musicians, scientists, fashion models, and talk-show hosts who all do TM. But thousands more—homemakers, teachers, bank clerks, farmers, small business persons, students of all ages, veterans, and people from every imaginable walk of life—are quietly and effortlessly practicing the TM technique, benefiting from the proven release of stress, reduced high blood pressure, and increased success and happiness at work and at home.

Yoga and Consciousness

Maharishi’s Yoga — The Royal Path to Enlightenment

William F. Sands, PhD

To many, Yoga is an ancient form of exercise, practiced for its health benefits. But Yoga is more than exercise, and its benefits go far beyond health.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has provided a unique and fresh understanding of the ancient science of Yoga, restoring its deepest significance. His approach is rich in both theory and practice. It provides the key to inner peace, stress and anxiety relief, happiness, wellness, success, and – ultimately – the realization of the true purpose of Yoga – to elevate life to its highest potential -enlightenment.

This easy-to-read and far-reaching book explores Maharishi’s teaching on Yoga philosophy from several perspectives, including its profound practical benefits for individuals and societies, while also considering traditional areas of Yoga philosophy, such as siddhi performance, Karma Yoga, Gyan Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, and the fulfillment of the four traditional goals of human life: dharma, artha, kama, and moksha.

Anyone familiar with Yoga will enjoy the systematic, logical examination of Maharishi’s Yoga and its powerful conclusion: that the goals of Yoga – from inner peace to full enlightenment – can be effortlessly achieved.

The Transcendental Meditation® technique, Maharishi AyurVeda®, and any course, service, or product on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding any medical condition or changes in lifestyle, exercise, or diet.

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